I Hate Boys Who Sparkle

Can I just say that I hate “Twilight” and everything surrounding it?  I’m sure it won’t win me any friends because everyone and their dog dressed like a vampire loves “Twilight”.   Except me.

Don’t get me wrong, I love vampires.  I just think that Bram Stoker and Anne Rice had the right idea when it came to how to portray vampires.  Hell, I even like “True Blood” (based on Charlaine Harris’ books), especially the way that old vampires go into the sun.

Vampires that sparkle?  No.  People who wear shirts that read “I love boys that sparkle” need to get a life.   Maybe they can ask Santa for one, since they believe in magical, mythical creatures of lore.

Movie Formula

Thank you, The Oatmeal.  You can read their entire Twilight Story here.

We have a crazy corkboard above the printer in the office, we throw up comics and funny pictures when we come across them.  I printed this for Office Mom and proud to say it made the wall:

Epic Fail!

I spent a good part of the morning arguing with Smelly Guy about a place we’ve both lived in Nova Scotia.  A restaurant burned down, I was trying to place where it was in my mind, and he was giving me the wrong landmarks so I couldn’t paint a picture of the town (which is now booming!).  It took chatting with a friend who’s still there to get it all sorted out.  I remember when they built their Atlantic Superstore, tore down the Sobey’s and built the Empire Theatres.  Now they’ve got themselves a Home Depot, a Winners and Futureshop is on the way.  So much cooler than when I was a teenager and we had the good mall and the crappy mall (which they tore down to build a Wal*Mart).

I had a good laugh with Brandy this morning about her 3 boys, who (I am pleased to say) still talk about me even though I’ve been gone almost 2 years.  We laughed about how a few years ago Brandy had told them “SJ talks on the radio” and they took this to mean I did EVERYTHING on the radio from announcing and commercials, right down to singing all the songs myself.  It was too bad we had to burst their collective bubble, they thought I was pretty amazing.  They’re such funny kids.

Speaking of which, I hesitate to even type this because I just KNOW I’m going to hear a chorus of “I told you so’s” but…no, I’m not going to put it writing.  I’ll never live it down.

Dutchess is off to the USA today to do some shopping with the girls for fabric.  I hate fabric shopping.  I remember doing it with my step-mom as a kid and wanting t put a red hot poker in my eye.  D is coming over afterward to bring me my garb.  Huzzah!  I’m so excited to try it on.  Pictures to come!